My spiritual name is siri nirankar kaur which means “the Princess/Lioness whose spiritual greatness is expressed in seeing the boundless energy of God within alL”. I am a native of los angeles and a product of an interracial marriage of the 60’s which led me to feelings of confusion & non-acceptance while growing up. by joining the “self awareness” club at emerson junior high school, i was introduced to meditation & yoga. being introduced to these modalities became a tool during the turbulent times in my household, these were also useful when feelings of not fitting in seeped in socially. what i thought of as zoning out, was actually the tool of meditation i learned from my instructor. i combined this with my love of music, by throwing on my headset and closing my eyes, this was my escape from the noise. ALWAYS WANTING TO EXPLORE MORE ESOTERIC MODALITIES I BEGAN MY JOURNEY OF LEARNING MANY DIFFERENT OFFERINGS INCLUDING REIKI, CRANIOSACRAL, WELLNESS COACHING, SHIATSU MASSAGE, AYURVEDA, YOGA, CHAKRA BALANCING, GEMSTONE THERAPY, AROMATHERAPY, NUTRITION AND MORE. i AM A FOREVER STUDENT gathering more tools for my work with you. i absolutely LOVE WORKING WITH PEOPLE AS THEY FORGE THEIR LIFE PATHS AND I LOVE SUPPORTING PEOPLE AS THEY DISCOVER THEIR PASSION(S) while moving IN THE DIRECTION OF THEIR LIFE PURPOSE. i especially love working with women of all ages through their monthly moons and all emotions and challenges that may arise while riding the moon-wave. i find riding the waves of life fascinating and my cancerian dominant watery soul loves getting people to purge on a tearful basis. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO STAY STAGNANT, TO STAY IN A PLACE OF COMPLACENCY AND MEDIOCRITY. WE ARE HERE TO BE THE MOST EMPOWERED, EXPANDED VERSION OF OURSELVES. i AM HERE FOR YOU, WITH YOU and on the PATH WITH YOU which helps to UPLIFT THE PLANET AND THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET. MUCH LOVE.