...and it begins...

Well who would have thought the time would come and with such a vengeance. All of the yoga trainings and practice, the meditations, the walking and exercise really cannot prepare you for how it feels while the shift takes place. The hot flashes that are insane and intense, the anxiety, the feeling more nutty than usual, the ultra-sensitivity more so that my usual Cancerian feelings. It’s a trip for sure. I am in pursuit of how to navigate the waters with grace and ease. I am grateful to my beloved husband for his unwavering support, I am blessed for him, our house and our little rebellious kitten (he is almost two but still a kitten in my eyes), Chi. I am my most interesting case study. I find peace in nature and researching and reading.

Somethings that have helped, lots of exercise, daily exercise of some sort. Walks to the coffee shop, to the gym 2-3 times per week. Yoga. Healthy foods including more animal protein a change from what I was eating for many years, mostly plant-based with some fish. I have noticed I need and my body craves, more protein. I need my garden as well and to be just chilling. My drive has slowed down in many ways, but I try to each day move toward my goal of helping others in some way. I notice that helping my husband and kitten, are part of that. I am anxious and excited to help other women through their life shifts. I know this is my path.

I love you…and I love me.

Thanks for listening~

Natalie Bell Seiden